“Each of the artworks presented in this second edition of the 1K Art Show relates the spectator to questions about the different layers that define us as a contemporary society. Whether it’s through genre, race or economic issues. We are very interested in the idea that art, regardless of its price or the age of the artist, has to be a window for us to examine ourselves in the world.”

– Juan Rincón, co-curator & organiser of the 1K Art Show

Seeking to expand the perception of Latin American art as being primarily craft-based, the work on view demonstrated a wide spectrum of mastery and exploration of mediums and techniques and a dedication to thoughtful storytelling. Ranging from textiles, photographs, collages, and drawings to explorations with found and unconventional materials, the artists were united by their investigative approach to art. The work stemmed from observations and deeply felt experiences, interrogating themes of cultural identity, the urban environment, socio-political issues, and more. All of the artists were in attendance throughout the run of the exhibition, allowing for open dialogue around the work and ideas therein. Every work included in the show was priced between $800 and $1,900.